


People are envious of Zhang Wei and his high salary . But the young engineer doesn't feel happy at all . “A heavy workload ,fierce competition and rising living expenses keep me working 1 the clock ,”said the 35-year-old .“I wish I could go back to my university days ,even though I had far less 2 then.”

Zhang is not the only one who doesn't feel as 3 as before .“It is a time when money can't buy happiness,”said Andrew Oswald,a British economist studying happiness . His research shows that 4 society has become more prosperous and technically advanced in Western countries ,life 5 has not improved over the last 30 years .

Oswald's theory 6 true in China too . 7 one of the world's most robust (有活力的)economies ,China 8 8-10 per cent annual GDP growth . But according to a March survey by China Youth Daily and Sina . com , around 85 per cent of Chinese people feel heavier living burdens than 10 years ago 9 the fact that nearly 80 per cent say their incomes have increased .

“Traditional measurements of progress , which heavily 10 the economic over the social ,are becoming outmoded (过时的),”said Oswald . He explained that in the 1940s,when people were struggling to 11 themselves ,growth was needed to 12 the basics.

But things have become totally different now . A lot of people don't want a wider TV or more clothes 13 they need a pleasing environment or a light -hearted party . So“we should 14 less on GDP ,but more on GWB , 15 general well-being ,”said Oswald .

Canadian ,British ,and northern European governments have created their own quality of life indexes (指数)that include crime ,health ,environmental ,and cultural 16 . In China , “happiness index ”has also become a buzz phrase (热门词汇) 17 the attention of economists and politicians .

“Not only the government but we citizens should adjust the 18 of self-development to make ourselves happier ,”said Yuan Yue ,a Chinese sociologist . Don't just chase money or fame . Make sure you have time to 19 . Then you'll be 20 ,he added .

1、A、against B、behind C、around D、with

2、A、time B、money C、fun D、trouble

3、A、happy B、energetic C、healthy D、free

4、A、as B、since C、now that D、while

5、A、level B、standard C、satisfaction D、style

6、A、keeps B、holds C、sounds D、remains

7、A、Like B、With C、As D、As for

8、A、enjoys B、increases C、develops D、advances

9、A、regardless B、considering C、despite D、allowing for

10、A、prefer B、favor C、treasure D、appreciate

11、A、feed B、enjoy C、satisfy D、help

12、A、offer B、fullfil C、earn D、supply

13、A、rather than B、as much as C、as well as D、apart from

14、A、apply B、employ C、concentrate D、fix

15、A、yet B、and C、or D、except

16、A、factors B、features C、elements D、causes

17、A、fixing B、paying C、attracting D、putting

18、A、way B、measurement C、degree D、form

19、A、work B、relax C、study D、exercise

20、A、stronger B、happier C、healthier D、wealthier

I don't like Women's Day ,because I , now only 21, was blessed with Happy Women's Day on March 8 by several friends jokingly or not . Don't always think celebration is 1 . For me ,this blessing means : I am not so 2 as a young girl . And that is too bad !

Nowadays , women's status is higher and higher . In order to show 3 to women and celebrate this important fact ,the International Women's Day 4 . It is a very good thing to remind people of 5 between men and women . But for the celebration, I don't 6 .Because if women and men are 7 to be equal ,why we women need the celebration 8 men needn't ? Because they don't have men's day or they don't need ? This is unfair to men and women ,isn't it ?

The women's celebration 9 the very thing , the exact thing that men and women are 10 ! Because the newborn baby boy now and man in the future will be 11 by the fact : 12 only women have the celebration ? It is so unfair !And the newborn baby girl today and woman in future will think it is so 13 that :we women are born to be delicate(纤弱的)and 14 !We have our day celebrated !

15 the day they learn that women were considered as inferior(地位低的)in the old times can they understand why we have women's day . Yes , it is worthwhile to remember that we have this big 16 that men and women become equal . But , celebration can be omitted because just I have already said : 17 men and women are born to be equal it is 18 ;and when the women's day becomes a memorized day , 19 will bless me 20 .Happy Women's Day !

1、A、fair B、good C、harmful D、bad

2、A、young B、pretty C、active D、innocent

3、A、concern B、care C、respect D、honor

4、A、comes in B、comes about C、comes out D、comes up

5、A、difference B、right C、equality D、fair

6、A、promise B、mind C、care D、agree

7、A、meant B、intended C、supposed D、born

8、A、while B、as C、so that D、though

9、A、proves B、shows C、presents D、ensures

10、A、equal B、different C、alike D、harmonious

11、A、attracted B、fascinated C、touched D、confused

12、A、When B、How C、Why D、Where

13、A、rediculous B、puzzling C、natural D、unacceptable

14、A、hurt B、protected

C、looked down upon D、made fool of

15、A、Shortly after B、Unless C、No sooner than D、Not until

16、A、progress B、move C、determination D、thought

17、A、as B、though C、while D、when

做 英语完形填空 有什么技巧吗?





所谓“瞻前顾后”,即先读所填词的句子,回顾上一句,兼顾下一句。如果一句中有两个空白待填,在初定答案时要“双管齐下”,在两处同时试填,然后通读全句,确定答案。另外在做题时要采取先易后难的原则,对把握性强的选项要做到一锤子定音。而对那些把握性不强的选项,不妨先放一下,接着再往下做,然后再回过头来补填。这时,由于通过你对上下文的精研细磨,上文其意自现。答题时可采用 1)择优法:根据文章及结构边读边填,如果能够立刻判定最佳答案的,不必再去逐个考证其余答案。2)排除法:如答案一时难以确定,可按空格位置,从语法结构、词语搭配、上下文语境、习惯用法、词义辨析等方面,对选项逐项分析试填。排除干扰项,从而确定正确答案。



















                                 A Heroic Driver

   Larry works with Transport Drivers, Inc. One morning in 2009, Larry was __41__ along 165 north after delivering to one of his __42__. Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. __43__ he got closer, he found __44__ vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed __45__ shooting out from under the __46__vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake and __47__ the fire extinguisher(灭火器). Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.

   The man who had his lights on __48__ and told Larry he had __49__ an emergency call. They __50__ heard a woman’s voice coming from the wrecked(毁坏的) vehicle. __51__ the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. They told her to stay __52__ until the emergency ponsonnel arrived, __53__ she thought the car was going to __54__. Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move __55__ she injured her neck.

   Once fire and emergency people arrived, Larry and the other man __56__ and let the them go to work. Then, Larry asked the __57__ if he was needed or __58__ to go. They let him and the man go.

One thing is __59__--Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle! His __60__ most likely saved the woman’s life.

41. A.walking                             B.touring  

      C.traveling                           D.rushing

42. A.passengers                       B.colleagues

      C.emloyers                            D.customers

43. A.Since         B.Although    C.As             D.If

44. A.each           B.another       C.that         D.his

45. A.flames        B.smoke         C.water     D.steam

46. A.used   B.disabled  C.removed  D.abandoned

47. A.got hold of                 B.prepared

      C.took charge of          D.controlled

48. A.came down             B.came through

      C.came in                     D.came over

49. A.returned  B.received  C.made   D.confirmed

50. A.then           B.again        C.finally  D.even

51. A.Starting B.Parking C.Passing D.Approaching

52. A.quiet          B. Still          C.away     D.calm

53. A.for               B.so              C.and         D.but

54. A.explode     B.slip away C.fall apart D.crash

55. A.as if              B.unless       C.in case     D.after

56. A.stepped forward          B.backed off

      C.moved on                        D.set out

57. A.woman        B.police     C.man           D.driver

58. A.forbidden    B.ready     C.asked         D.free

59. A.for certain                        B.for consideration              

       C. reported                         D.checked

60. A.patience       B.skills      C.efforts      D.promise

41. C. traveling。这道题是典型的瞻前顾后题的思路。前面已经交代   Larry works with Transport Drivers, Inc.,可知他是一个司机,后面的“after delivering to...”已经暗示是送货回来的路上,由情境可以猜测出应该是开着车,后面47空的句子里有pulled over(靠边停车)和set the brake(拉好刹车),明确提示当时Larry正在驾驶。所以这道题的答案只能是C,行驶,行驶。而不能是walking/走路,rushing/冲,或touring/旅游。

42. D. Customers。这一题是情境➕瞻前,里面有个核心词是deliver:递送,传送,送货。由这个词可知,Larry是快递小哥,开车递送货物给客户之一。

43. C.as。这一题比较简单,应该是时间状语从句,as是当......的时候的意思。

44. B.another。常识告诉我们通常会有不止一辆车卷入车祸,前面提到“he saw a car with its bright lights on”,后面提到“another vehicle upside down”很合理。先看到一辆车/a car开着明亮灯(示警)再看到另一辆车/another vehicle底朝天躺在路上。

45. A. flames。这道题可以把情境和顾后的方法结合起来使用。倾覆的车辆不会有水或蒸汽从车身下射出。那么是烟还是火要用顾后的方法,由最后一句“...and the fire was put out”可知,应该是火而不是烟。

46. B.disabled。disabled:残疾的,失去行动能力的,和前面的“upside down on the road”相呼应。

47. A.got hold of。情境题,抓起,握住,符合当时的情境。

48. D.came over。这道题考察词组的意思。come down:下来。come through:经历,安然度过。come in:进来。come over,过来,顺便来访,抓住。over表示位置的变化。

49. C.made。这一题可以用固定搭配的思路来做。拨打电话:make a call。make:做一个.......行为。如:make contributions to...

50. A.then。情境适当的思路。根据故事的发展,这时才听到一位女士的声音。如果之前听到,应该早就去救助她了。

51. D.approaching。approach:走进,靠近,接近。听到呼救,自然要走上前去。

52. B.still。顾后的思路➕情境适当。这里的still为形容词,意思是“静止的,不动的”。后面的“she should not move”提示前面该用“静止的,不动的”,另外,常识也告诉我们,车祸中的人不能随便动或被移动。

53. D.but。表转折。“让她不要动,可是她担心车子会爆炸。”

54. A.explode。情境适当的思路。在已经翻车的情形下,不会再担心滑走,解体或撞毁。但却会担心爆炸。

55. C. in case。in case:连词,意思是以防,以免。as if:好像,似乎;unless:除非,如果不。

56. B.backed off。情境适当的思路。back off:后退,减轻,卸下。专业人士来了,非专业的Larry和那个司机最合适的行为是退后,让开。

57. B.police。这道题同样是“情境题”。Larry问警察“if he was needed or free to go”,因为在事故现场,要听从警察指挥。

58. D.free。还是情境题。free to go:获准离开。和前面的是否还需要他对应。警察蜀黍放行一般说,“you are free to go/你自由了,可以走了。”

59. A.for certain,情境适当原则。确定的。“有一件事是确凿无疑的——……”其余三个代入进去翻译都不是太通顺。

60. C. efforts。情境适当。这个故事里,Larry付出的是努力(effort),而不是patience/耐心,skills/技巧或promise/允诺。



  • avatar
    访客 2022-10-08 上午 05:47:11

    and celebrate this important fact ,the International Women's Day 4 . It is a very good thing to remind people of 5 between

  • avatar
    访客 2022-10-08 上午 04:03:16

    pside down”很合理。先看到一辆车/a car开着明亮灯(示警)再看到另一辆车/another vehicle底朝天躺在路上。 45. A. flames。这道题可以把情境和顾后的方法结合起来使用。倾覆的车辆不会有水或蒸汽从车身下射出。那么是烟还是火要用顾后的方法,由最后

  • avatar
    访客 2022-10-08 上午 05:52:37

                          B.colleagues       C.emloyers                            D.customer

  • avatar
    访客 2022-10-08 上午 05:45:09

    ar less 2 then.” Zhang is not the only one who doesn't feel as 3 as before .“It is a time wh

  • avatar
    访客 2022-10-07 下午 11:31:35

    一下具体的解题思路。                                 A Heroic Driver    Larry works with Transport Drivers, Inc. One morning in 2009, Larry was __41__ alo
