



1,书名:《疯狂的硬盘》 作者:银河九天

简介:想当黑客爽一-爽,二 手硬盘帮你忙.本来是电脑小白的胡一飞,无意间淘到块二手硬盘,从此走上了猥琐的黑客之路.


2,书名:《疯狂的程序员》 作者:绝影

简介:本书描写了绝影等程序员的成长之路,分为大学、工作、创业三部分。作者笔下以绝影、BOSS liu、Bug Yang等为代表的程序员是大多程序员成长的真实写照,很多网友看过小说之后都说“这些事好像就是我身上发生的事情,但是我写不出来,绝影写出来了”。

书评:本书没有太多的足以炫耀的技术,他以一个平凡的人,从学习编程到第一份工资,再到自己的不断成长,这里我们或许能看到类似的自己拼搏女努力的影子,虽是一个故事,但是更像一个人生。‘疯狂的程序员’绝对不是靠狂妄和拼命的程序员,而是能够踏实,持续努力的程序员。等你真正做到 了这两点,技术上去了,在写程序这个领域,能够限制你的只有你的想像力,到那个时候, 你才算个‘疯狂的程序员’,这种程序员啊,是能令竞争对手无比恐惧的。” 人的一生要疯狂一次,无论是为一个人,一段情,一段旅途,或一个梦想。

3,书名:《超级电脑》 作者:疯狂冰咆哮

简介:陈旭的电脑丢了,于是他想了个法子。拿一张很厚的纸,用不容易褪色的黑墨水在纸上写上以下一段话:“我的子孙,我是你们的先祖陈旭,现在时间是2006年9月1日北京时间12点07分,今天你们先祖我遭遇了人生最惨淡的事情-- -在我大学开学的第一天,我价值八千块钱的笔记本电脑被偷了。如果你是我的后辈,那就帮先祖我做点事情吧。如果你们那个时代已经出现了传说中的时光机,那么请寄-部笔记本电脑到我现在所处的时间段,地址是XX省,XX市合协大学14栋楼207寝室。”- 分钟之后,一台来自未来的电脑从天而...本书有精彩的校园生活,飞扬而美丽的女孩儿, 那些精彩的、难以忘怀的回忆,那段我们一-生当中的,黄金时代。走过路过千万不要错过,新人新书,敬请收藏。

小短评:这是一本被埋没的好书,一部能让我看多遍而不腻的好书。都市,校园,黑客,同时还有点小幽默,看腻了玄幻修仙类的不妨可以看看,本书有精彩的校园生活,飞扬而美丽的女孩儿, 那些精彩的、难以忘怀的校园回忆,那段我们一生当中的,黄金时代。且看主角用一台来自未来的电脑怎么走上人生的巅峰。这本书是疯狂冰咆哮的成名作,也是迄今为止点击最高的黑客流小说。

4,书名:《最强黑客》 作者:顾大石


小短评:重生复活流黑客小说。单女主,对电脑技术介绍比较详细值得一读。重生为大学生之后从一个小黑客逐渐成长最终封神的书。这书是爱国人氏斯盼的繁华和强大,有时让人充满愤怒情绪,一半真实的中国,一半遗憾的情怀吧!斯待中国和平统一 ,世界一片祥和,没有战争和贫穷,人人素质高,眼光远!

5,书名:《指间的黑客》 作者:黑色键盘



6.《黑客》 作者:青幕山



《= 这个是你要找的吗?

Book Summary and Review - Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist, first published in 1988, is a modern classic that has been translated into sixty languages, read in over 150 counties and sold more than 30 million copies. Its I readership includes American presidents, Nobel Prize winners and Hollywood stars. In one spare evening, this long list can include you––it’s just 167 pages long!

The Alchemist begins at dusk. Santiago, a Shepard boy, is settling in for the night with his herd at an abandoned church with a half-destroyed roof and an enormous sycamore tree growing through it. That night, he has a dream about finding treasure near the Egyptian Pyramids.

His travels have brought him near a town where he hopes to reacquaint himself with a girl he met the previous year. He detours to Tarifa, a nearby village where he can shave, get a haircut, and meet with visit a gypsy who can interpret dreams. The gypsy and a mysterious old man claiming to be a king advise him to pursue the treasure.

To that end, Santiago sells his sheep and travels from Spain to Tangier. A thief steals his all of his money, forcing Santiago to take a job to survive. He finds works for a crystal merchant and after a year of success helping him expand his business, Santiago earns enough money to return home. On the way, he meets an Englishman on a quest to learn the secrets of alchemy and is inspired continue his search. Local wars strand Santiago and the Englishman in a desert oasis. However, thanks to this change in plans, he finds his true love, Fatima, and meets the Alchemist. Together with the Alchemist, Santiago continues his journey, facing life-threatening danger and more financial loss. He reaches the Pyramids of Egypt and ultimately finds his treasure––but not in Egypt. You’ll have the read the book (or email me) for the answer to this question.

Colorful and entertaining story as it is, The Alchemist’s plot is merely the waft through which Coelho weaves his simple but powerful allegory. Santiago’s story is more than a search for gold and physical treasure; it is one person’s journey in pursuit of his Personal Legend – the “path God choose for you here on Earth.” It’s a wake up call designed to inspire us to think about the path we’re on and question whether we are being true to our calling. Unfortunately, like Santiago, we face four major obstacles while pursuing our destinies and most of us forfeit the pursuit of our Personal Legend when faced with one of them.

We begin life as bold dreamers. Have you ever met a child who didn’t aspire to greatness – to be a doctor, astronaut or the President of the United States? However, life conspires to kill our self confidence and our creativity. From an early age , we’re told that what we want to do is impossible. The dreams get buried deeper as we’re told we’re not smart enough, there isn’t enough money or our efforts are not worth the risk.

Love is the second obstacle. If our courage has been ample and our dreams prevail, love can still stop us in our tracks. We fear abandoning or hurting our loved ones in the process of investing in our dreams. How many people do you know suffering unhappily in the workplace because they’re afraid of the financial consequences of a career change and how it will affect their families? Ironically, we fail to recognize that people worth our love, the ones that love us back unconditionally, are the first to encourage us and volunteer to participate in the journey and share the risks.

The third obstacle is fear of failure and defeat. One thing is certain: while pursuing your goals you will encounter setbacks and suffering. Battles are lost in the process of winning wars. However, when pursuing our Personal Legend, The Alchemist reminds us, the Universe is conspiring in our favor. Everything, including moments we’re down and out, are there to teach us what we need to achieve our ultimate goal. For example, funding real estate development or a new business puts us at risk and forces financial trade offs. However, this discomfort is an important part of what you reap from your investment and better prepares you for the next deal.

The forth obstacle is fear of realizing our dreams. Many people look around and see those who have failed and feel guilty at the prospect of achieving their own goals. This can lead to last minute mistakes that deprive them of their goals when they are on the threshold of achieving them.

Though I enjoyed and identified with Santiago’s journey, my one disappointment in The Alchemist’s narrative is its continued emphasis on material success and “physical treasure.” While I do not underestimate the importance to be able to support yourself and provide for your family, many modern dreams seem to die as people pursue short term financial gains. I know a number of people in jobs that are very high paying, but unfulfilling. Their salaries have qualified them for huge mortgages. They belong to fancy country clubs. Their kids have gotten used to private school, and being driven there in Mom’s Lexus SUV. Many chose their careers because they were high paying, and were exactly what they wanted to be 15 years ago. As they say, be careful what you wish for – it might actually come true. Now, many are miserable, in financial shackles and unable to take risks to change careers or start a business.

While Santiago fell in love, saw the Great Pyramids––and earned physical treasures along the way––material success wasn’t the end in itself. I would have been more satisfied with the story if his “treasure” were a life of love, adventure and ample prosperity––a life lived well rather than a life lived lavishly.



Awards:Won 4 Oscars. Another 28 wins 35 nominations


Right there with Seven and Silence of the Lambs for me. I love this film, and rate it a notch above some of the other great action films of our time (i.e., Terminator, Predator) because it has a really well thought out (although moderately unbelievable) story line. A lot of thought provoking material, and some interesting subtleties. I've seen it 10 times (I don't usually watch a movie more than once), and I'll watch it a few more. Enjoy!


版本1:During the year 1999, a man named Thomas Anderson lives an ordinary life. He makes a living illegally mostly by computer hacking. Then one day he meets another man by the man of Morpheus. After their friendship develops Morpheus shows him that world Thomas is living is make-believe. At first Thomas does not believe him, but then is shown evidence and also meets with a like-minded woman named Trinity. He is slowly updated from the time the world was disintegrated and wasted, devoid of all natural resources. Then in this wasteland, came android-like humans, machine-made, who enslaved the remainder of the humans. In order to create the perfect world, a fake world is created to fool the humans into believing that everything is alright in their world. Now Thomas, Trinity, and Morpheus must lead the humans to freedom, but will the android-like beings let them? Written by Sumitra (corrected by Sonia)

版本2:Thomas A. Anderson is a man living two lives. By day he is an average computer programmer and by night a malevolent hacker known as Neo. Neo has always questioned his reality but the truth is far beyond his imagination. Neo finds himself targeted by the police when he is contacted by Morpheus, a legendary computer hacker branded a terrorist by the government. Morpheus awakens Neo to the real world, a ravaged wasteland where most of humanity have been captured by a race of machines which live off of their body heat and imprison their minds within an artificial reality known as the Matrix. As a rebel against the machines, Neo must return to the Matrix and confront the agents, super powerful computer programs devoted to snuffing out Neo and the entire human rebellion. Written by redcommander27

版本3:In the near future, a computer hacker named Neo (Keanu Reeves) discovers that all life on Earth may be nothing more than an elaborate facade created by a malevolent cyber-intelligence, for the purpose of placating us while our life essence is "farmed" to fuel the Matrix's campaign of domination in the "real" world. He joins like-minded Rebel warriors Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) and Trinity (Carrie Ann Moss) in their struggle to overthrow the Matrix. Written by Jake Gittes

版本4:Computer hacker Thomas Anderson has lived a relatively ordinary life--in what he thinks is the year 1999--until he is contacted by the enigmatic Morpheus who leads him into the real world. In reality, it is 200 years later, and the world has been laid waste and taken over by advanced artificial intelligence machines. The computers have created a false version of 20th-century life--the "Matrix"--to keep the human slaves satisfied, while the AI machines draw power from the humans. Anderson, pursued constantly by "Agents" (computers who take on human form and infiltrate the Matrix), is hailed as "The One" who will lead the humans to overthrow the machines and reclaim the Earth. Written by Brian Barjenbruch


This is a story in the future, about the Earth's environment has been destroyed, the rulers had kept in a container, let them alive with ideas. However, some people from the container out, construction Zion. Film hero called NEO, he is very handsome. Hero NEO also rescued, and then the hero began to save all mankind.

This story was written in the true history of mankind, the standpoint of natural science, when the earth's resources are exhausted, the symbiosis of humans and machines is the only way. The film is not only great scene, but also contains a profound truth. Tells us that the Earth is our only way to survive their homes, to cherish the Earth, Protect the Earth.

Worth a visit \

/ 这是发生在未来的一个故事,它讲述了地球的环境被破坏,统治者只好把人关在一个容器内,只让他们用思想活着。但有一部分人从容器中到了出来,建造了锡安成。片中而主人公叫做NEO,他很帅。主人公NEO也被救了出来,然后主人公开始了拯救全人类的工作。























































1. 人在这世界里,有许多事情是我们一定得做的。

2. 没有使命,人类就不会存在,是使命创造了我们,但使命联系着我们、牵连着我们、指引着我们、推动着我们、约束了我们。

3. 这世界这世界只存在着一种永恒,一种广泛适用的真理,仅用的真实:因果关系。

4. 比如:行动与回应 起因与结果。

5. 任何事情都始于当初的选择。

6. 选择是有权利与没有权利者之间的不平衡。

7. 新的感觉作成的一种假象,首先,不明白为什么,很快这些“为什么”与“原因”却将消失,最重要的是感觉本身,我们虽然强烈挣扎、拼命地抵抗它,自欺欺人的装出没事,在那泰然自若的外表下,事实上,我们已彻底地失控了,这是自然界的定律。这就是因果,无法避免的,我们永远受它的奴役。

8. 我们只能试图去理解,理解为什么———“因果关系”

9. “原因”是我们与他们的区别,是真正力量的源泉。

10. 每个人都是因果关系的受害者。

11. 该发生的事情都发生了,没有其他的变数。

12. 美好的事情注定是不长久的。

13. 一切都是命中注定的。

14. 问题的关键在与选择。

15. 一个胜利的同时,也是一个不朽的失败。

16. 无法避免的毁灭是显而易见的,人类天生的不完美是造成的结果。

17. 问题的关键只在于选择,接下来就回发生的连锁反应。

18. 希望是人类自欺欺人的精髓,他既是强大的力量来源,同时也是人类致命的弱点。


  • avatar
    访客 2022-09-22 下午 06:25:50

    理。告诉我们地球是我们唯一的生存家园,要珍惜地球,保护地球。值得一看求黑客帝国经典名句中英文全要,一句对一句这里有好多,你仔细找找,一定有你想要的。黑客帝国Ⅰ经典台词 1.你有过这种感觉没有,就是你吃不准

  • avatar
    访客 2022-09-22 上午 10:24:44

    是因果关系的受害者。 11. 该发生的事情都发生了,没有其他的变数。 12. 美好的事情注定是不长久的。 13. 一切都是命中注定的。 14. 问题的关键在与选择。 15. 一个胜利的同时,也是一个不朽的失败。 16. 无法避

  • avatar
    访客 2022-09-22 下午 08:00:45

