

这段英语求翻译:Ancient words say that things are not difficult to predict?



Coal additive

Coal additive technology by using bionic BioNa nanometer self-assembly technology (solid) scattered in new generation of rd and manufacturing nano additives products, the products

According to the size of the calorific value of coal to adjust the catalytic combustion, so as to realize the energy saving. This series of products include adding additives and coal additive.

Coal gas discharge exceeds consumption, even the black smoke, the fundamental reason lies in coal combustion is not sufficient. Coal combustion rate is low, not only, still use cost rises

Easy to cause serious environmental pollution, and further to boiler mechanical fault, shorten service life. This series of products for crux of battles, and old boiler equipment

Regulate, make its gradually returned to the ideal state of use, The new equipment maintenance, reduce the cost of coal as internal combustion system, keep maintenance state. Let burning coal and

To improve efficiency. Therefore, in the coal add additive is necessary, it can better satisfy the economy, coal, efficacy, discharge to environmental protection and energy saving


Product function

This product in domestic and international similar products in the leading position in technology, mainly used in industrial enterprises, large power, civil boiler and kiln, use effect and reputation.

1 and 4-10% average day coal-fired power, enhance the effective 10%.

1 and 2, reducing harmful emissions flue gas above 40%.

1, 3, increase the combustion temperature 50-150 degrees c.


BioNa technology has officially launched the market liquid biofuels energy efficiency technology, this technology is the core of bionic nano self-assembly technology (liquid), the main ingredient for active nano water factor (6nm) in diameter, relevant patent has received (patent no. : CN200710099305.2), the current domestic and international similar products in the leading position in technology.

Rising oil consumption, the engine oil, flawed, or overweight emissions, the fundamental reason lies in the black smoke fuel combustion is not sufficient. Fuel combustion rate and low cost, not only caused by automobile use, also easy to cause the carbon, further to shorten the vehicle using life. Combustion of energy-saving series of products to the additives for cars, problems are aimed to recuperate, car maintenance, the function is based on the following reasons:

Promote fuel burning

As everyone knows, when boiling oil water occurs when the oil droplets, splashing oil droplets that the total area of energy-saving, combustion based on the development of additives is simple. This kind of additives into fuel will spread into thermally-and dynamically-stablilized 6 nanoscale computed the activity, the spherical water factor water factor attached to oil droplets surface, with fuel into the chamber. In the combustion chamber, fuel droplets locomotive (30 microns in compressed scale) under the action of machinery, its temperature in late compression strokes over the boiling point of water particle, thus make the fuel droplets water vapor explosion, thus make fuel droplets are divided into nanometer scale of fuel molecule, so as to realize the fuel burning, completely vaporization. The effect is better than the nozzle atomization effect of 100 to 1000 times, thus greatly improve fuel efficiency, by an average of 10-20%, reduce power consumption (10-20% of the concrete numerical depending on the condition).

Remove carbon deposition and colloid, inhibit the carbon regeneration

The combustion of energy-saving water activity of nano additive with high performance, factor in tank in high-speed Brownian motion. Through the physical function, micro fuel pump, remove the walls of sedimentary or adhesion. At the same time, under high temperature, water factor in combustion nanometer active during the time of the explosion billionaire, "may shatter cylinder wall etc machinery on the surface of the carbon, carbon particles with burning gas discharge from the vent. For a new engine, this action to prevent the formation of coke burning interior surfaces, internal maintenance function, For the old engine, nano water can permeate through the wall coke "nanotechnology" generation flammable gas explosion, thus make the original coke decomposition, let the engine point design, so as to improve the recovery of the engine, to use life of dynamic maintenance of good effect.

Reduce exhaust emissions

On the basis of the national double idle environmental test standards of energy-saving, combustion models for decades, additive can reduce exhaust emissions 40%, the highest can reduce 80%. Petrol car exhaust emission of pollutants mainly include: hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, Diesel exhaust emission of pollutants, mainly includes: FSN effec particles, nitrogen oxides NOx PM10 readings - which were taken. Combustion of additive energy not only can reduce hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and particulates FSN effec PM10 readings - which were taken, the emission of harmful substance, such as the focus of environmental governance has unique effect of nitrogen. Within the cylinder deflagration periodic difference ", "(known as" slow burn "), the local temperature is one of the main causes of the nitrogen. Nano fuel additive fuel burning equilibrium, eliminate the burning "periodic difference", thus greatly reduce oxide formation.

Reduce the demand for gasoline label

Basis (CRC) E - 15-92 standard test, the test for gasoline vehicles, proof of energy use combustion engine can immediately to reduce additive octane rating requirement 4 points, and as the combustion chamber is clean, coke engine can be reduced 2, using low octane gasoline has high grade gasoline in the same or better label.

Product introduction

In this technology BioNa technology developed combustion of energy-saving series products, and additive enterprise according to the customer's need to provide advanced customization technique service

Unique properties

No harm, non-toxic, corrosion resistance, no, no, no inflammable, explosive

Effectively remove and prevent carbon deposition and colloid, engine protection, pump etc, can lengthen the lifespan mechanical equipment,

Excluding metal and alcohol, don't damage all engine parts and machinery,

Compatible with all engine fuel system,

Soluble in different levels and label and compatibility of fuel, and can reduce gasoline engines for gasoline demand. The use of label,

To improve the stability and fuel burning anti-explosion shock etc. Various performance indicators.

court battles是什么意思哪?

court battles



The SEC often settles cases to avoid lengthy court battles.



The other key to the state's success is Mr Duke's love of the saxophone. Every Sunday evening he performs in his house with his band. And instead of trying to micro-manage his succession, rig the state elections and prepare for endless court battles, when he leaves office at the end of May Mr Duke is going off to America for a music course. It is an unusual example of a politician who is willing to let go.




1.Starcraft II and RTS games


Starcraft II is a real time strategy game developed by the Blizzard Entertainment.


As of all real time strategy game, the goal of the game is to gather certain resources and use it to build up an army which you will then use your army to eliminate your opponent.


This might sound very easy but playing the game requires a lot of skill in many different prospectives.


Two main skills people usually talk about is the macro management and the micro management.


Macro management means how well you can play the game in the big picture, this includes building more effective units, attacking the enemy at the right time and use your resource efficiently.


On the other hand, micro management is about how well you can control your army, how efficient can you gather resource and use the map as your advantage.


There are many basic skills about micro management that we can actually gain by hard practice, however, your macro skill can only be obtained by experience.


2. What's Starcraft II different from other RTS games?


As of all Blizzard games, quality is their number one concern. Starcraft II has stunning graphics and its unique balance system. There are 3 race in the game, the Terran, the Zerg and the Protoss. Each race has their own method and their play styles are very different.


This game also features a Story mode which is a sequal to starcraft 1, with an epic story of the human reble leader: Jim Raynor.



Other than single player or 1v1 battles, this game also features 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and even Free-for-all battles with up to 8 players. This makes the game even better when you are playing with your friends since team coordination is extremely important in team playing.





《模拟人生之漂流者物语》(The Sims: Castaway Stories)破解版[ISO]

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《侠盗双雄》(Starsky Hutch)完整硬盘版

《信赖铃音-莫扎特之梦》(Trusty Bell)正式版(音乐修正版)

《宠物医生3D:动物医院》(Pet Vet 3D: Animal Hospital Down Under )破解版[Bin]

《家庭滑雪》(Family Ski)日版Wii[ISO]

《沉默英雄》(Silent Heroes)硬盘版

《Fifa足球经理》(Fifa Soccer Manager)CLONE版

《历史频道:失落的世界》(History Channel: Lost Worlds)[Bin]

《托尼霍克滑板:美国荒野》(Tony Hawk's American Wasteland)完整硬盘版


《城市生活》(City Life)Clone版

《太阳帝国的原罪》(Sins of a Solar Empire)[ISO]

《太阳帝国的原罪》(Sins of a Solar Empire)硬盘版

《冲突:拒绝行动》(Conflict Denied Ops)[ISO]

《上帝难为》(Hard to be a God)CLONE版/破解版/破解修正补丁

《奇幻精灵事件簿》(The Spiderwick Chronicles)破解版[ISO]

《洛城狂飙》(LA Rush)[Bin]

《洛城狂飙》(LA Rush)硬盘版

《任天堂明星大乱斗X》(Super Smash Bros. Brawl)日版Wii[ISO]

《阴影地带之幸存者》(Shadowgrounds Survivor)完整硬盘版

《上帝难为》(Hard to be a God)完整硬盘版/存档修正补丁


《半影:黑色瘟疫》(Penumbra Black Plague)破解版[Bin]

《半影:黑色瘟疫》(Penumbra Black Plague)完整硬盘版


《胜利时刻》(Hour of Victory)破解版[ISO]

《毁灭:世界末日》(The Fall: Last Days of Gaia)硬盘版/更新攻略


《宝马M3挑战赛》(BMW M3 Challenge)完整硬盘版

《未知实验》(The Experiment)[Bin]

《杀手俱乐部》(The Club)CLONE版/PROPER破解版[ISO]

《山姆和迈克斯第二章》(Sam and Max Season 2)完整硬盘版

《侠盗车手:圣安地列斯》(Grand Theft Auto San Andreas)单人加联机整合高压版/中英双语

《未知实验》(The Experiment)硬盘版

《无尽的黑暗之超越神的眼睛》(Last Half Of Darkness Beyond The Spirits Eye)[Bin]


《益智之迷:战神的挑战》(Puzzle Quest: Challenge Of The Warlords)[Bin]

《加勒比海盗2》(Age of Pirates:Caribbean Tales)简体中文版[ISO]

《象棋大师11》(Fritz 11)[ISO]



《生死之间 》简体中文光盘版

《杀手俱乐部》(The Club)硬盘版/动画添加包

《灭国英雄》(Heroes of Annihilated Empires)简体中文版

《富甲天下5》(The Millionaire Of 3 Kingdoms V)繁中CLONE版/破解补丁

《教父》(The Godfather)硬盘版

《奇幻精灵事件簿》(The Spiderwick Chronicles)硬盘版

《罗马帝国》(Imperium Romanum)CLONE版/破解版[ISO]

《罗马帝国》(Imperium Romanum)硬盘版

《黑暗复仇》(Dark Vengeance)英文光盘版

《轩辕剑伍:一剑凌云山海情》(Xuan-Yuan Sword 5)简体中文CLONE版/破解补丁

《迷失:穿越多莫斯》(Lost: Via Domus)[ISO]

《模拟人生2:闲暇时光》(The Sims 2 FreeTime)资料片CLONE版/破解版[ISO]

《猎杀潜航4之太平洋之狼-U型潜艇任务》(Silent Hunter 4: Wolves Of The Pacific: U-Boat Missions)资料片[Bin]


《前线:战争燃料》(Frontlines Fuel Of War)已更新PROPER破解版[ISO]

《农场兽医》(Farm Vet)[Bin]

《转折点:自由的陨落》(Turning Point Fall of Liberty)破解版/更新修正破解补丁[ISO]

《模拟市民 2:玩耍时光》(The Sims 2: Freetime)中英文合版CLONE版

《迷失:穿越多莫斯》(Lost: Via Domus)完整硬盘版

《挑战:托莱多失落之剑》(Agon: Lost Sword of Toledo)[ISO]

《王牌冒险第一章》(Top Trumps Adventures Vol. 1: Horror Predators)[Bin]

《伊苏:起源》(Ys Origin)简体中文CLONE版/破解补丁/修改器

《转折点:自由的陨落》(Turning Point Fall of Liberty)硬盘版


《世嘉拉力》(Sega Rally Revo)硬盘版

《王牌冒险第二章》(Top Trumps Adventures Vol. 2: Dogs Dinosaurs)[Bin]

《红色男爵》(Red Baron: Arcade)硬盘版

《红色男爵》(Red Baron: Arcade)破解版[Bin]

《杰克基恩》(Jack Keane)CLONE版

《绝冬城之夜 2:背叛者的面具》(Neverwinter Nights 2:Mask of the Betrayer)中文资料片CLONE版

《福特赛车3》(Ford Racing 3)硬盘版




《失落的希望2 - 战地2模组》(Forgotten Hope 2)

《滑雪射击2008》(RTL Biathlon 2008)硬盘版

《魔方挑战》(Rubik's Cube Challenge)[Bin]


《突袭3:胜利进军》(Sudden Strike 3)CLONE版

《一掷千金:秘密金库游戏》(Deal or No Deal: Secret Vault Games)硬盘版

《模拟赛车3》(Racing Simulation 3)硬盘版

《降世神通最后的空气大师》(Avatar The Last Airbender Bobble Battles)[Bin]

《福尔摩斯vs亚森罗宾》(Sherlock Holmes versus Arsene Lupin)Clone版



《怪兽卡车》(Monster Jam)[ISO]

《宇宙战争:地球突袭战》(Universe at War: Earth Assault)完整硬盘版/3DM简体中文汉化补丁

《信任与出卖》(Belief And Betrayal)[ISO]


《太空战将:无畏舰长》(Spaceforce Captains)[ISO]

《极速挑战:维伦纽夫的赛车生涯》(Speed Challenge - Jacques Villeneuve's Racing)硬盘版

《英雄无敌V:命运之锤》(Heroes of Might and Magic V: Hammers of Fate)简体中文版

《好莱坞影业2》(Hollywood Pictures 2)[Bin]

《太空战将:无畏舰长》(Spaceforce Captains)硬盘版

《怪兽卡车》(Monster Jam)硬盘版

《吉他英雄3摇滚传奇》(Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock)硬盘版

《模拟火车》(Rail Simulator)完整硬盘版

《魔怪卡丁车》(Cocoto Kart Racer)[Bin]

《遥控车横行天下》(RC Cars)硬盘版

《信任与出卖》(Belief And Betrayal)完整硬盘版

《黑暗地带:51区》(BlackSite: Area 51)完整高压版


《沉没之岛》(Benoit Sokal Sinking Island)破解版[ISO]

《杀手十三》(XIII)完整硬盘版[V1.3] / 高配置玩家慎用

《圣域+资料片魔都魅影》(Sacred Underworld)星空官方DVD黄金版(中文免CD)[ISO]

《黄金罗盘》(The Golden Compass)硬盘版




《疯狂大卡车》(18 Wheels of Steel American Long Haul)[Bin]

《魔怪卡丁车》(Cocoto Kart Racer)硬盘版

《福尔摩斯vs亚森罗宾》(Sherlock Holmes versus Arsene Lupin)破解修正版[ISO]

《世界篮球经理2008》(World Basketball Manager 2008 )破解版[Bin]


《冬季运动2008》(RTL Winter Sports 2008 The Ultimate Challenge)修正破解版[ISO]

《模拟城市:梦之都》(Sim City Societies)硬盘版/汉化补丁

《X3:重聚》(X3:Reunion) V2.5硬盘版/简体中文汉化补丁

《惊险特级赛车:第一站》(Nitro Stunt Racing: Stage 1)完整硬盘版

《三国群英传7》(SANGO 7)繁体中文破解版[ISO]

《战场》(Theatre of War)

《狂野西部》(Call of Juarez)V1.1.1.0硬盘版/集成DX10补丁


《魔法黎明》(Dawn Of Magic)简体中文版[ISO]

《好莱坞芭比》(My Scene Goes.Hollywood )[Bin]

《虚空魔城》(Fantasy Wars)硬盘版

《横冲直撞2》(Flatout 2) V1.2硬盘版/联机比赛方法



《模拟人生嘉年华之城市公寓》(The Sims: Carnival SnapCity)修正破解版[Bin]

《堕落之神:天诛》(Fallen Lords:Condemnation)完整硬盘版

《红色战鹰》(Red Jets)硬盘版

《爱快罗密欧赛车》(SCAR Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo)硬盘版

《宝石探秘最终收藏版》(Ultimate Jewel Quest Collection)[Bin]

《疯狂小鸡合集》(Crazy Chicken: License To Grill)[Bin]

《模拟人生嘉年华之轰炸弹力球》(Sims Carnival BumperBlast)破解版[Bin]

《凯斯·切格文的聚会问答》(Cheggers' Party Quiz)[Bin]

《侠盗人生》(25 To Life)硬盘版

《真实犯罪:纽约城》(True Crime: New York City)完整硬盘版

《红海》(Red Ocean)[Bin]

《惊天动地》V2.0 2008竞技场客户端

《不明飞行物:异形入侵》(UFO: Alien Invasion)V2.2完整硬盘版


《超级遥控名车赛》(Big Scale Racing )硬盘版

《合金装备》(Metal Gear Solid)合金装备1代的PC版[ISO]

《犯罪生涯:帮派战争》(Crime Life Gang Wars)硬盘版

《出租车3:极速飞驰》(Taxi 3: eXtreme Rush)硬盘版

《水浒英雄传火之魂》(Heroes In Heroes)中文DOSBox硬盘版+音轨光盘

《神话:堕落之神》(Myth: The Fallen Lords)[ISO]


《法国网球公开赛2001》(Roland Garros 2001)硬盘版



《外星人竞技场2007》(Alien Arena 2007)硬盘版

《战隼4.0:联合力量》(Falcon 4.0 Allied Force)硬盘版


《帕德曼的世界》(World of Padman)硬盘版


《3D豪华遥控赛车》(3D Ultra Radio Control Racers Deluxe Traxxas Edition)硬盘版


《PDC世界飞镖锦标赛2008》(PDC World Championship Darts 2008)[Bin]

《自由武力VS第三帝国》(Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich)完整硬盘版


《科林麦克雷拉力2+WRC2002MOD》(Colin McRae Rally 2.0 + WRC2002MOD)硬盘版

《拿破仑战役》(Napoleons Campaigns)[ISO]

《室内狂飙》(Room Zoom)硬盘版

《洛克人X8》(Mega Man X8)硬盘版

《世界职业摔跤》(WWE Raw)硬盘版


《忍者神龟:电影》(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles CHS)简体中文版[ISO

《阴影地带之幸存者》(Shadowgrounds Survivor)破解版[ISO]

《喋血双雄》(Kane and Lynch: Dead Men)破解版[ISO]

《坦克杀手》(Panzer Killer)硬盘版


《明星骑手3》(Riding Star 3)破解版[Bin]

《幻想宠物医生2动物园》(Imagine Pet Vet 2 At The Zoo)破解版[ISO]

《吉他英雄3摇滚传奇》(Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock)CLONE版/破解版

《宠物情缘:猫咪篇2》(PETZ CATZ 2 )[Bin]

《宠物情缘:狗狗篇2》(Petz Dogz 2)[Bin]

《中世纪比武大会》(The Scriptarians The Tournament)破解版[Bin]

《极品飞车11》(Need For Speed Pro Street)繁体中文Clone版

《风火轮赛车》(Hot Wheels: Beat That)完整硬盘版

《明星骑手3》(Riding Star 3)硬盘版

《宝岛Z:红胡子的秘宝》(Zack and Wiki Quest for Barbaros Treasure)美版wii[ISO]

《中世纪比武大会》(The Scriptarians The Tournament)硬盘版

《足球经理2008》(Football Manager 2008)硬盘版

《喋血双雄》(Kane and Lynch: Dead Men)完整硬盘版/更新精简版XP进游戏方法

《霸王之地狱重生》(Overlord Rising Hell)破解版/更新汉化补丁[ISO]

《虚幻竞技场3》(Unreal Tournament 3)[ISO]

《来世》(Next Life)修正破解版[Bin]

《霸王之地狱重生》(Overlord Rising Hell)硬盘版/原版+资料片/简体中文汉化补丁

《梦幻之星新宇宙:伊尔米娜斯的野望》(Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition Of Illuminus)[ISO]

《半条命2橙盒版》(Half-Life 2: The Orange Box)破解版[ISO]


《龙珠Z 电光火石3》(Dragon.Ball.Z.Sparking.Meteor)日版Wii[ISO]

《动物园兽医:濒危物种》(Zoo Vet: Endangered Animals)破解版[Bin]

《模拟校园》(Campus: Student Life Simulation)破解版[ISO]


《实况足球2008》(Pro Evolution Soccer 2008)完美汉化版[ISO]

《万夫莫敌-圣女传》(Wars and Warriors: Joan of Arc)简体中文克隆版

《幸运的路克之独闯西部》(Lucky Luke Go West)CLONE版

《巫师》(The Witcher)完整高压版/更新繁体汉化包/更新1.2免CD


《鬼盗船的复仇》(Blackbeard's Revenge)破解版[Bin]

《鬼之借代》(Ghost in the Sheet)破解版[Bin]

《占卜者:最后的预言》(Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy)[ISO]

《梦幻蜜月》(Dream Day Honeymoon)CLONE版/破解版[Bin]

《荣耀之证国际双语版》(Code of Honor: The French Foreign Legion)英文/繁体中文[ISO]

《战争贩子:城市毁灭》(Warmonger Operation: Downtown Destruction)正式版

《亡命徒:蓝与灰》(Swashbucklers Blue Vs Grey)破解版/更新简体中文汉化补丁[ISO]

《时尚设计师》(Imagine Fashion Designer)破解版[ISO]

《亡命徒:蓝与灰》(Swashbucklers Blue Vs Grey)完整硬盘版/简体中文覆盖包

《速度球2竞技场》(Speedball 2 Tournament)破解版[ISO]



《历史频道之太平洋战争》(History Channel Battle for the Pacific)[ISO]

《俱乐部之王》(King of Clubs)破解版/修正破解补丁[Bin]

《历史频道之太平洋战争》(History Channel Battle for the Pacific)硬盘版/更新黑屏解决办法

《模拟宠物马2》(Petz Horsez 2)[ISO]

《滑雪射击2008》(RTL Biathlon 2008)CLONE版

《俱乐部之王》(King of Clubs)硬盘版

《辣身舞》(Dirty Dancing)破解版[Bin]

《冬季运动2008》(RTL Winter Sports 2008)CLONE版/修正破解补丁

《模拟人生2豪华版》(The Sims 2: Deluxe)破解版/更新汉化方法[ISO]

《马儿与我》(My Horse and Me)CLONE版

《巫师》(The Witcher)官方繁中版/更新1.2升级补丁NoCD


《一级方程式2007》(F1 2007)硬盘版


《艾尔文与花栗鼠》(Alvin and the Chipmunks)[Bin]

《速度球2竞技场》(Speedball 2 Tournament)完整硬盘版/升级补丁覆盖包



《UAZ职业4驱锦标赛》(UAZ Racing 4x4)破解版/CLONE版

《虚幻竞技场3花絮DVD》(Unreal Tournament III Bonus DVD)[ISO]

《极品醉车2:激情之夜》(Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights)破解版[ISO]

《贝兹女孩》(Bratz 4 Real)破解版[Bin]

《UAZ职业4驱锦标赛》(UAZ Racing 4x4)硬盘版/更新存档修正补丁

《超级摩托艇GT》(Aquadelic GT)更新中文版XP修正破解补丁[Bin]

《滑雪射击2008》(RTL Biathlon 2008)破解版[ISO]

《战国BASARA2 英雄外传》(Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes Double Pack)日版Wii[ISO]

《V8挑战赛》(V8 CHALLENGE)硬盘版

《恐龙战队:超级传奇》(Power Rangers Super Legends)CLONE版/破解版[ISO]

《火炎之纹章~终焉の高考》(Exam Fantasy)正式版

《超级摩托艇GT》(Aquadelic GT)硬盘版(中文版XP系统下直接可玩)

《阿伦·汉森的运动挑战》(Alan Hansen's Sports Challenge)破解版[Bin]

《怪鸡之西藏之心》(Heart of Tibet)[Bin]

《极品醉车2:激情之夜》(Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights)硬盘版




《斐乐杯网球巡回赛》(Fila World Tour Tennis)硬盘版

《怪鸡之西藏之心》(Heart of Tibet)硬盘版

《国际摩联格兰披治大赛》(FIM Speedway Grand Prix)硬盘版

《恐龙战队:超级传奇》(Power Rangers Super Legends)硬盘版

《最高指挥官:钢铁联盟》(Supreme Commander Forged Alliance)台湾繁体中文版/免破解

《宇宙战争:地球突袭战》(Universe at War: Earth Assault)CLONE版/破解版[ISO]

《埃及祖玛之阿蒙神叛乱》(Luxor Amun Rising)[Bin]

《印弟赛车系列》(IndyCar Series)硬盘版

《福特赛车2》(Ford Racing 2)硬盘版

《完美网球:职业巡回赛》(Perfect Ace - Pro Tournament Tennis)硬盘版

《虚幻竞技场3》(Unreal Tournament 3)硬盘版[V1.1]

《黄金罗盘》(The Golden Compass)破解版[ISO]

《信长之野望12》(Nobu 12PK TC Collection Edition)中文威力加强典藏版[ISO]

《安琪拉之歌》(Aquaria)硬盘版 / 3DM汉化语音版 / 英文版1.0.3补丁

《X战将》(Soldner X Himmelssturmer)光盘版/六项属性修改器[Bin]

《一掷千金:秘密金库游戏》(Deal or No Deal: Secret Vault Games)[Bin]

《热力赛车》(Total Immersion Racing)硬盘版

《X战将》(Soldner X Himmelssturmer)完整硬盘版/修改器/键位设置补丁

《绝冬城之夜 2:背叛者的面具》(Neverwinter Nights 2:Mask of the Betrayer)中文资料片CLONE版


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    访客 2022-09-24 下午 03:58:02

    ion, micro fuel pump, remove the walls of sedimentary or adhesion. At the same time, under high temperature, water factor in combustion nanometer acti
