



Phonics Primer

You can use this Phonics Primer developed by The National Right to Read Foundation to begin teaching a child or adult to read today. This primer lists the 44 sounds in the English language and then gives steps for teaching those 44 sounds and their most common spelling patterns. In addition to learning sounds and spellings, each day the student must read lists of phonetically related words and spell these words from dictation. Phonics instruction must be reinforced by having the student read decodable text.

The 44 Sounds in the English Language

5 Short-Vowel Sounds

18 Consonant Sounds

7 Digraphs

short /ă/ in apple

short /ĕ/ in elephant

short /ĭ/ in igloo

short /ŏ/ in octopus

short /ǔ/ in umbrella

/b/ in bat

/k/ in cat and kite

/d/ in dog

/f/ in fan

/g/ in goat

/h/ in hat

/j/ in jam

/l/ in lip

/m/ in map

/n/ in nest

/p/ in pig

/r/ in rat

/s/ in sun

/t/ in top

/v/ in van

/w/ in wig

/y/ in yell

/z/ in zip

/ch/ in chin

/sh/ in ship

unvoiced /th/ in thin

voiced /th/ in this

/hw/ in whip *

/ng/ in sing

/nk/ in sink

* (wh is pronounced /w/ in some areas)

6 Long-Vowel Sounds

3 r-Controlled Vowel Sounds

Diphthongs and Other Special Sounds

long /ā/ in cake

long /ē/ in feet

long /ī/ in pie

long /ō/ in boat

long /ū/ (yoo) in mule

long /ōō/ in flew

/ur/ in fern, bird, and hurt

/ar/ in park

/or/ in fork

/oi/ in oil and boy

/ow/ in owl and ouch

short /ŏŏ/ in cook and pull

/aw/ in jaw and haul

/zh/ in television

Steps for Teaching Phonics

Step 1. Gather the materials listed below and store them together in a box.

Materials for Teaching Phonics

What You Need


systematic phonics program

Consider Phonics Pathways (available from our online bookstore), Sing, Spell, Read, Write, or another program from Phonics Products for Home or Phonics Products for School.

* phonics flashcards with the letter or letter combination (such as ou) on front and clue word (such as out) on back

Consider the Individual Set of 70 Phonogram Cards (item #IPC, $10) from Spalding Education International, available at . It’s helpful to also purchase the Spalding Phonogram Sounds CD (item #CD, $5.00) to learn how to pronounce each sound correctly.

Note: if you purchase this set from Spalding, you will not need to purchase a separate set of alphabet flashcards.

decodable stories

(preferably 100% decodable)

If your phonics program does not contain 100% decodable stories, consider Stories Based on Phonics, available from our online bookstore, or Bob Books First, available from .

writing supplies: index cards, index card file, black wide-tip permanent marker, beginner’s wide-ruled writing tablet, 2 pencils with erasers

Purchase writing supplies at any office supply store.

* Note: Make sure your phonics flashcards give the proper sound or sounds for each letter or letter combination – many widely available flashcards are incorrect or incomplete. For example, the common sound of x is /ks/ as in fox, not /z/ as in xylophone or /eks/ as in x-ray. Also, the short-vowel sound of i is /ĭ/ as in igloo, not /ī/ as in ice cream.

Step 2. Teach the 5 short-vowel sounds and consonant sounds. Drill until memorized.

During the first week, use the flashcards to drill the short-vowel sounds. Add several consonant sounds each day until you are drilling all short-vowel sounds and consonant sounds with your student daily. Do not rush this step. Keep drilling until all sounds are memorized, which usually takes 2-4 weeks.

Tip: Work on phonics for at least 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week with your student. Frequency and consistency are more important than the length of time spent on each lesson.

Short-Vowel Sounds

short /ă/ in apple

short /ĕ/ in elephant

short /ĭ/ in igloo

short /ŏ/ in octopus

short /ŭ/ in umbrella

Consonant Sounds

/b/ in bat

/k/ in kite

/s/ in sun

/k/ in cat

/l/ in lip

/t/ in top

/d/ in dog

/m/ in map

/v/ in van

/f/ in fan

/n/ in nest

/w/ in wig

/g/ in goat

/p/ in pig

/ks/ in fox

/h/ in hat

/kw/ in queen

/y/ in yell

/j/ in jam

/r/ in rat

/z/ in zip

Step 3. Practice two-letter blends. Drill until blending is automatic.

After your student knows the short-vowel sounds and consonant sounds, next teach him how to orally blend two letters (b-a, ba) and read two-letter blends such as: ba, be, bi, bo, bu.

Two-Letter Blends

b + a = ba

s + a = sa

j + a = ja

b + e = be

s + e = se

j + e = je

b + i = bi

s + i = si

j + i = ji

b + o = bo

s + o = so

j + o = jo

b + u = bu

s + u = su

j + u = ju

Step 4. Practice three-letter blends. Drill until blending is automatic.

After your student can read two-letter blends, progress to three-letter blends, that is, words. Each day, have your student read a set of short-vowel words, then dictate these same words to him. (Show him how to form each letter and correct him gently, if necessary). This not only helps him remember the phonics lesson just learned, but it greatly improves spelling.

Golden Rule of Phonics: Never allow your student to skip, guess, or substitute words. Accuracy is more important than speed.

Three-Letter Blends

fa + t = fat

ki + t = kit

ro + d = rod

de + n = den

ma + d = mad

se + t = set

bo + x = box

ye + s = yes

tu + g = tug

hi + d = hid

no + t = not

wi + n = win

ju + g = jug

pu + n = pun

la + p = lap

Step 5. Teach the twin-consonant endings, plurals, and two-consonant blends. Drill until blending is automatic.

Twin-Consonant Endings

Two-Consonant Blends

Two-Consonant Blends



stun, fist


















cats (sounds like /s/)



beds (sounds like /z/)









skip, mask








spot, gasp


Step 6. Teach the digraphs (ch, sh, th, wh, ng, nk). A digraph consists of two consonants that form a new sound when combined. Also teach three-consonant blends.


Three-Consonant Blends

chin, such, patch (silent t)


ship, wish


thin, with (unvoiced /th/)


this (voiced /th/)



sang, sing, song, sung

sank, sink, honk, sunk

Step 7. Introduce a few high-frequency words necessary to read most sentences.

After your student can read three-letter and four-letter words easily, it’s time to add a few high-frequency words that are necessary to read most sentences. Some high-frequency words are phonetically regular (such as “or”), but are introduced out of sequence because of their importance. Other words are truly irregular, because they contain one or more letters that don’t follow the rules of phonics (such as “once” and “who”).

The Basic High-Frequency Words table lists the most important words. Write each word on an index card. Introduce three or four new words a week. Drill your student on these words everyday, encouraging him to sound out as much of the word as possible (usually the vowel sound is the only irregular part). As your student masters each word, file the card in the card file under “Words I Know.” When your student comes across a new “wacky” word (such as “sugar” in which the “s” is pronounced /sh/), make up a new index card and file it under “Words To Learn.”

Tip: What distinguishes this high-frequency word list from the typical “sight word” list? Many words in the list below cannot be completely sounded out, either because they contain one or more letters that don’t “follow the rules” or the rule is learned later. In contrast, the typical “sight word” list contains mostly phonetically regular words (such as “and” and “when”) that the student is forced to memorize simply because he has never been taught to sound them out.

Basic High-Frequency Words

Introduce after student can

read short-vowel words, /th/, and /sh/

Introduce after student can

read long-vowel words

A vowel by itself says its name:

a, I

“e” at the end of a short word says its name:

be, he, me, we, she, the*

“o” at the end of these words says its name:

no, go, so

“or” says /or/: or, for

do, to, into, of, off, put

* also pronounced /thŭ/

was, were, are

doing, does

said, says, have, give

you, your, yours

they, their, there

where, what, why, who

once, one, come, some

done, none

two, too

Step 8. Teach the long-vowel sounds and their spellings. Note that there are five common spellings for each long-vowel sound. Also teach the “Silent-e Rule”: When a one-syllable word ends in “e” and has the pattern vce (vowel-consonant-e), the first vowel says its name and the “e” is silent.

Long-Vowel Sounds

Common Spellings

Less Common Spellings

long /ā/

cake, rain, pay, eight, baby

steak, they, vein

long /ē/

Pete, me, feet, sea, bunny

key, field, cookie, receive, pizza

long /ī/

bike, hi, fly, pie, night

rye, type

long /ō/

hope, go, boat, toe, snow

soul, though

long /ū/ /ōō/

mule, blue, boot, tuna, flew

fruit, soup, through, feud

Step 9. Teach the r-controlled vowel sounds and their spellings.

r-Controlled Vowel Sounds

Common Spellings

Less Common Spellings


fern, bird, hurt

pure, dollar, worm, earth



orange, forest



door, pour, roar, more, war

Step 10. Teach the diphthongs /oi/ and /ow/ and their spellings. A diphthong consists of two vowels that form a new sound when combined. Also teach other special sounds.


Common Spellings


oil, boy


owl, ouch

short /ŏŏ/

cook, pull


vacation, session, facial



Step 11. Teach /aw/, /awl/, /awk/ and their spellings.


Common Spellings


jaw, haul, wash, squash


bald, wall



Step 12. Teach these sounds and spelling patterns.


Common Spellings

/s/ spelled c

Rule: c followed by e, i, or y sounds like /s/.

cent, face, cinder, cycle

/j/ spelled g, ge, dge

Rule: g followed by e, i, or y usually sounds like /j/.

frigid, age, fudge, gym

/f/ spelled ph

Rule: ph sounds like /f/ in words of Greek origin.

phone, phonics

/k/ spelled ch

Rule: ch sounds like /k/ in words of Greek origin.

chorus, Christmas

/sh/ spelled ch

Rule: ch sounds like /sh/ in words of French origin.

chef, champagne

Note: This Phonics Primer does not contain all English spelling patterns. Consult a good phonics program such as one from Phonics Products from Home or Phonics Products for School for additional spelling patterns and rules. Most products contain detailed instructions and practice reading selections.

Step 13. After 3 to 4 months of daily phonics instruction, begin introducing decodable stories.

Important: All sounds and spellings in Steps 2 - 12 should be introduced within the first 4 months of phonics instruction.

After 3 to 4 months of reading lists of words and sentences, your student should be ready to read decodable stories such as Stories Based on Phonics or Bob Books First. The student should read all stories aloud, carefully and accurately. Help him sound out difficult words, as needed. Explain the meaning of all new words. Encourage him to read each story several times to gain fluency, but don’t let him memorize the story (reciting a story from memory is not reading). Model fluent reading by reading a sentence aloud with expression, then asking him to repeat what you read with the same tone of voice. Explain and demonstrate the meaning of basic punctuation (period = stop, comma = pause, exclamation point = speak with excitement, question mark = raise the pitch of your voice on the last word to ask a question.)

Step 14. Begin introducing “easy-to-read” books.

After the student masters decodable stories, let him move on to easy books such as those by Dr. Seuss (Hop on Pop; One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish; Ten Apples Up on Top; Green Eggs and Ham; and so on), P. D. Eastman (Are You My Mother?; Go Dog, Go!; A Fish Out of Water), and Cynthia Rylant (Henry and Mudge series; Poppleton series; Mr. Putter and Tabby series). As your student reads each book, add new wacky words to the Words To Learn file and review daily, if necessary.

Continue teaching the lessons in the phonics program – don’t stop just because your student can read. Most children need 1 to 2 years of reinforcement before their phonics knowledge becomes permanent.

Step 15. Continue to give phonetically based spelling lists.

Even after your student has finished the phonics program, make sure to reinforce his phonics knowledge by giving phonetically based spelling lists each week at least through third grade.

Revised: 6/05








元音 单元音 前元音 [i:] [i] [e] [æ]  

中元音 [ʌ] [ə:] [ə]    

后元音 [u:] [u] [ɔ:] [ɔ] [a:]

双元音 开合双元音 [ei] [ai] [ɔi] [əu] [au]

集中双元音 [iə] [εə] [uə]    


辅音 爆破音 清辅音 [p] [t] [k]    

浊辅音 [b] [d] [g]    

摩擦音 清辅音 [f] [s] [ʃ] [θ] [h]

浊辅音 [v] [z] [ʒ] [ð]  

破擦音 清辅音 [tʃ] [tr] [ts]    

浊辅音 [dʒ] [dr] [dz]    

鼻音 (浊辅音) [m] [n] [ŋ]    

舌则音 (浊辅音) [l] [r]      

半元音 (浊辅音) [w] [j]      





元音汉语注音(仅供参考) d 的  

i: 衣~   k 克  

i 衣   g 各  

e 碍 嘴张小点 f 父亲  

æ 哎 嘴张大点 v 豆腐(无)  

ʌ 鸭丽丽(无)   s 丝  

ə: 鹅~   z 是不是(无)  

ə 鹅   ʃ 西  

u: 唔~   ʒ 移  

u 唔   θ 嘶 舌抵上齿

ɔ: 哦~   ð 嗞 舌抵上齿

ɔ 哦   h 喝水(无)  

a: 啊~   tʃ 气  

ei 字母A的音   dʒ 奇怪(无)  

ai 字母I的音   tr 缺少(无)  

ɔi 单词boy的尾音   dr 挖掘(无)  

əu 字母O的音   ts 次  

au 单词cow的尾音   dz 字  

iə 单词ear的音   m 姆  

εə 单词air的音   n 鱼(无)  

uə 单词sure的尾音   ŋ 嗯~ 类似牛叫

辅音汉语注音(仅供参考) l 勒(元音前);尔(词尾)  

p 活泼(无)   r 略(元音前)  

b 搏斗(无)   w 生活(无)  

t 特   j 叶子(无)  





2.[ s][ z]和[θ][ ð]的区别就是前两个不用舌抵上齿,而后两个要舌抵上齿的。




A a [ei] N n [en]

B b [bi:] O o [əu]

C c [si:] P p [pi:]

D d [di:] Q q [kju:]

E e [i:] R r [a:]

F f [ef] S s [es]

G g [dʒi:] T t [ti:]

H h [eitʃ] U u [ju:]

I i [ai] V v [vi:]

J j [dʒei] W w [‘dʌblju:]

K k [kei] X x [eks]

L l [el] Y y [wai]

M m [em] Z z [zed]或[zi:]




[ei] Aa Hh Jj Kk          

[i:] Ee Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv

[ai] Ii Yy              

[əu] Oo                

[ju:] Uu Qq Ww            

[a:]   Rr              

[e]   Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz  




study学习[‘s-t-ʌ-d-i](含5个音素) ; country国家[‘k-ʌ-n-tr-i](含5个音素)

car小汽车[k-a:](含2个音素) ; dictionary字典[‘d-i-k-ʃ-ə-n-ə-r-i](含含9个音素)


◆ 音标:即每一个单词的完整的注音记录。

study学习[‘stʌ-di] ; country国家[‘kʌn-tri]

car小汽车[ka:] ; dictionary字典[‘dik-ʃə-nə-ri]



(1) 有多少个元音音素,就有多少个音节段

stu•dy学习[‘stʌ-di](2个音节段) ; coun•try国家[‘kʌn-tri](2个音节段)

car小汽车[ka:] (1个音节段) ; dic•tio•na•ry字典[‘dik-ʃə-nə-ri](4个音节段)

(2) 两个元音音素之间若只有一个辅音音素,那这个辅音归属为后一个音节段

stu•dy学习[‘stʌ-- d i] ; ti•ger老虎[‘t ai-- g ə]

Chi•na中国[‘tʃ ai-- n ə] ; ru•ler尺 [‘r u:-- l ə]



(3) 两个元音音素之间若有两个辅音音素,则这两个辅音分属前后的音节段(即前后各一个)

coun•try国家 [‘kʌn--tri] ;

good•ness善良[‘g u d-- n i s] ;

dic•tio•na•ry字典[‘d i k-- ʃə--nə--ri]




◆ 音节(段):每个单词的音标都分有几段音节段(至少一个),如上各例。


study学习[‘stʌ-di](2个音节段) ; country国家[‘kʌn-tri](2个音节段)

car小汽车[ka:] (1个音节段) ; dictionary字典[‘dik-ʃə-nə-ri](4个音节段)

*当每一段音节(段)末尾是“辅音+[ l][ m]或[n]”时,就构成了—成音节,也算一个音节(段)

trouble麻烦[‘tr ʌ---bl] season季节[‘s i:--- z n] table桌子[‘t ei--- b l]


study学习[‘s t ʌ---di] 双音节词; car小汽车[k a:] 单音节词 ;

country国家[‘ k ʌn---tri] 双音节词 ;trouble麻烦[‘tr ʌ--- b l] 双音节词;

season季节[‘s i:--- z n] 双音节词 ; table桌子[‘t ei--- b l] 双音节词;

dictionary字典[‘d i k-- ʃ ə-- n ə-- r i] 多音节词(4个音节);TV电视(机)[‘t i:--‘v i:] 双音节词;

magazine杂志[,m æ -- g ə---‘ z i: n] 多音节词(3个音节);

◆ 重音: 当双音节或多音节时,有些音节段中的元音要重读(即发音响亮清楚),必须在该音节段的左上角或左下角标上重音符号{即:(强)重音符号[‘ ]-左上角; 和 次重音符号[ ,]-左下角}

China中国[‘tʃai--nə] 第一音节段中的[ai]重读

Chinese中国的[tʃai—‘ni: z]第二音节段中的[i:]重读

information信息[,in--fə--‘mei--ʃən]第一音节段中的[i]次重读 ;第三音节段中的[ei ](强)重读


1. 单音节词 本生元音就重读,所以不必标重音符号。如farm[fa: m]表示[a:]重读

2. 双音节词

● 大多数双音节词,重音在第一个音节段上

season季节[‘si:- zn] zero零[‘ziə-rəu] trouble麻烦[‘trʌ-bl]

country国家[‘kʌn-tri] father父亲[‘fa:- ðə] window窗[‘win-dəu]

● 但某些以a-, re-, be-, ab-, ac-, ad-, af-, al-, an-,…等开头的词,重音在第二个音节段上

about关于[ə-‘baut] again又,再[ə-‘gen] begin开始[bi-‘gin]

already已经[ɔ: l-‘re-di] return回,归[ri-‘tə: n] repair修理[ri-‘pεə]

3. 多音节词

● 一般重音在倒数第三个音节段上(多为短音)

family家庭[‘fæ-mi-li] 重音在到时第三个音节段上[f æ]

difficult困难[‘di-fi-kəlt] 重音在到时第三个音节段上[d i]

political政治[pə-‘li-ti-kəl] 重音在到时第三个音节段上[li]

economy经济[i- ‘kɔ-nə-mi]重音在倒数第三个音节段上[kɔ]

●当含有5个音节(段)或以上,就有次重音. 次重音在强重音向左第二个音节(段)上。


,音节段1 音节段2 ‘音节段3 音节段4 音节段5

②次重音 ① ③强重音 ② ①

ag•ri•cul•tur•al农业的 [,æg---ri---‘kʌl---tʃə---rl]

即: [,②--①-‘③----②---①]



◆ 开音节和闭音节



stu•dy 学习 ; coun•try 国家 ; car 小汽车 ; dic•tio•na•ry 字典;

ti•ger虎 ; good•ness善良 ;trou•ble 麻烦;sea•son 季节 ; ta•ble 桌子 ;

ma•ga•zine 杂志 ;Chi•na中国 ; Chi•nese中国的 ;a•bout 关于 ;a•gain 又 ;

be•gin 开始; al•rea•dy已经 ;re•turn 回归; re•pair 修理 ;fa•mi•ly 家庭;

dif•fi•cult 困难; e•co•no•my经济 ; ag•ri•cul•tur•al农业;



1) 如果每一段字母组合结尾是“辅音字母+元音字母”,那就叫绝对开音节

be ; me ; she ; Chi•na ; my ; no ; go ; stu•dent ;

2) 如果字母组合段结尾“元音字母+辅音字母(r除外)+e”,那就叫相对开音节

game; Pete; use ; name ; nine ; like ; lake ; nose ; time



3) 如果字母组合段结尾是“元音字母+辅音字母(r除外)”,那就叫做闭音节

man ; red ; pen; big; not; sun;

son ; gun ; up ;be•gin ;sum•mer






元音字母 重读 非重读

绝对开音节 相对开音节 闭音节

a [ei] [ei] [æ] [ə]

e [i:] [i:] [e] [i]

i [ai] [ai] [i] [i]

o [əu] [əu] [ɔ] [ə]

u [(j)u:] [(j)u:] [ʌ]或[u] [ə]







r音节 re音节

ar [a:] are [εə]

er [ə:] ere [iə]

ir [ə:] ire [‘aiə]

or [ɔ:] ore [ɔ:]

ur [ə:] ure [(j) uə]


  • avatar
    访客 2022-09-30 下午 10:15:09

    two-letter blends. Drill until blending is automatic.After your student knows the short-vowel sounds

  • avatar
    访客 2022-10-01 上午 03:38:09


  • avatar
    访客 2022-09-30 下午 05:24:29

    Less Common Spellingslong /ā/cake, rain, pay, eight, babysteak, they, veinlong /ē/Pete, me, f
