



《越狱》的精彩在于它存在于一个封闭的容器,所有的外部条件都准备好了,就等着放一堆各色的人进去,让他们产生化学反应。 《Prison break》 , "the best is that it exists in a closed container, all the external conditions are ready, waiting to put on a pile of different colors of people into, so that they produce a chemical reaction. Foxriver其实就是个副本。 Foxriver in fact is a copy. 智商极高的法师Michael因为有幸拿到了内测帐号,对副本内部十分熟悉。 Mage high IQ because Michael had the honor to get a least one account, for a copy of the internal very familiar with. 他哥LB是个傻大个战士,因为卖点卡骗G给弟弟买马,导致全服通辑,最后被关押进高级副本Foxriver。 LB he is a brother of Saddam fighters, because the selling points to his brother G card cheat bet on horse races, resulting in full-service wanted, the last being held into the senior copy Foxriver. MS为了救哥哥,只身单刷Foxriver。 MS in order to save his brother, alone, single brush Foxriver. 凭着他对路线的熟悉和游戏规则的了解,策划了一个完美的营救计划。 With him on the route of the familiar and understanding the rules of the game, planning a perfect rescue plan.

54 3 2022-09-23 破解系统